Gather is an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political, and cultural identities through food sovereignty, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide. A New York Times Critic’s pick, and co-produced by First Nations Development Institute, the documentary brings stories of resilience and renaissance of Native food systems to the national stage by profiling the lives of Indigenous chefs, scientists, and activists. We are pleased to honor Gather’s efforts to reframe the narratives of our food and farm systems and shine a light on Native American food sovereignty and traditional food practices.
Whetstone Media
Available on: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / iHeartRadio
Whetstone Magazine debuted in the spring of 2017 with the mission of championing food to expand human empathy. Whetstone’s weekly podcast, Point of Origin, focuses on important social movements and conversations, with episodes featuring topics like food apartheid and how money and industry shape food policy. Led by women and people of color, and working with a team of global creatives representing over a dozen countries, Whetstone believes that diversity is what makes their work so essential: “When the gatekeepers are diverse, so too are the stories, its tellers and their experiences. This diversity accelerates our collective knowledge and empathy.” We are proud to recognize this groundbreaking media platform and its work to amplify stories of food justice and culture.