Resourcing Community, From the Ground Up

Our offerings are prioritized for grassroots organizations with 501(c)(3) status or with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, that are led by and serving constituents that have been historically — and are currently — marginalized by powerful and privileged actors in food and farm systems, including Black, Indigenous, and people of color; farmers; food system workers; fisherfolk; and healers.

Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

Applicant criteria

Be a U.S. based grassroots organization or network with 501(c)(3) status or with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor or a tribal government

Has an annual revenue of less than $3 million; or, if current revenue is over $3 million, has an average annual revenue over the last three years that is less than $3 million 

Is not a recipient of a 2023 multi-year Core Grant

Initiatives directly affect change within food and agricultural systems (e.g. land sovereignty, food security, inclusive economy, water and soil stewardship, climate justice, labor organizing, sustainable/regenerative/reindigenized practices and healing traditions)

Operates from a deeply shared understanding of structural and institutional racism in the food and farm system and actively works to advance racial equity and justice 

Is committed to integrating the leadership of constituents within the organization’s staffing, advising, and governance structures 

Focuses on one or more of the following priorities: Cultural Organizing; Inclusive Economic Models & Community-Controlled Systems; Reclaiming Democracy; Promoting Indigenous and Ancestral Foodways and Agricultural Practices

Not eligible:

Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) status or do not have a fiscal sponsor with 501(c)(3) status

Individuals or scholarship programs

Businesses or business associations

Private Schools, Colleges, or Universities

State agencies or government programs

The Wildseeds Fund does not support the following activities: academic research projects; endowment campaigns; discretionary or emergency requests; or litigation or legal expenses.