Changemakers shifting narratives and culture

The dominant narratives about food and agricultural systems are currently shaped by a culturally homogenous lens. We believe that a vital part of narrative shift is crafting forward-thinking media projects, uplifting underexplored stories and cultural connections for less visible and frontline communities. We need the power of this media to shape beliefs, inspire empathy and collective action to give rise to a different world. As part of our work, we recognize the media makers that are working to revolutionize the media landscape around agriculture, nourishment and healing to cultivate transformational systemic change.

Each year, Wildseeds Fund's Impact Media Award spotlights emerging and influential media makers and platforms that are amplifying the voices and stories of everyday folks working to build more sustainable and resilient food and agricultural systems—addressing the cultures, narratives, and challenges that significantly impact our communities and ecosystems.

Nomination & Selection

Awardees are nominated and voted on by the broad Wildseeds Fund network of grantees, previous awardees, partners, leadership, and staff.

Eligibility & Restrictions

Individuals, teams, and organizations are eligible to receive an award;

Priority is placed on efforts that authentically partner with community and work to engage and amplify grassroots/frontline voice and experience;

There are no restrictions in terms of the timespan during which the work has occurred or is expected to be completed. Projects can be at any stage of development. That said, later stage work is more likely to demonstrate impact, and therefore is also more likely to be awarded.

There are no budget requirements or restrictions. The Award can be used to support any expenses (including back expenses, ongoing expenses, or new expenses.) Whenever possible, a portion of the award is encouraged to be used to support community engagement, but this is not a requirement.