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Power of Participatory Grantmaking

In Podcasts, Story by Esperanza Pallana

Esperanza Pallana, Executive Director of the Food and Farm Communications Fund, recently joined Gwen Wurst, a Senior …

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Rematriating the Narrative in the UK

In Podcasts, Story by Esperanza Pallana

Oxford Real Farming Conference · ORFC23 Unceded Voices: Rematriating the narrativeBefore I share my experience, I’d …

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A Look at Community Controlled Funding in Food Systems and Beyond

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

 In 2022, FFCF co-hosted this 90-minute recorded webinar, hear from EFOD* leaders Camryn Smith of Communities …

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Seeding Change: A Decade of Movement Building

In Story by Esperanza Pallana

Food and Farm Communications Fund is committed to resourcing our community of organizers and farmers, from …

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Cultural Organizing

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

Where preserving and expressing our culture is an act of resistance to the constant pressure of …

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Farmer Engagement

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

Farmer engagement has been a long-time strategy supported by Wildseeds Fund to advance systemic change. Over …

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Inclusive Economic Models

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

Wildseeds Fund supports community-led processes where communities identify and initiate their own solutions to economic, social …

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Reclaiming Democracy

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

Change takes people. Since inception, our work has been continually forging strategic connections so that food …

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Reindigenized Food & Agricultural Systems

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

Wildseeds Fund envisions food and agricultural systems that are reindigenized and democratized, which means we support …

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Movement-Led & Emboldened Community Power

In Story by Esperanza Pallana

We know that not any one of us individually can transform food and farm systems. To …

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Q&A With Shavaun Evans, Director of Programs and Movement Support

In Story by Esperanza Pallana

Food & Farm Communications Fund goes beyond grantmaking, we invest in our grantee partners. We know …

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Write Back or Get Written Out

In Story, Videos by Esperanza Pallana

In 2016, Jessica Sabogal, a Colombian American artist, led a Poster Project called Write Back or …