En Espanol

Fresno/Madera, CA
Black Zocalo
Rooted Resilience - to support the integration of communications strategies in the creation of an economically sustainable worker-owned cooperative rooted in collective decision-making, practices, and strategies common amongst the ancestors of Black and Indigenous people and centered around the knowledge sharing of Black and Indigenous foodways and land-based relationships.

Newport, OR
Central Coast Food Web
Communications to shift power and influence change in coastal food systems - to support the development and implementation of a communications strategy to support strengthening local, coastal and regional food systems

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Colectiva Agroecológica de Masificación y Unidad (CAMU)
Political Agroecology and Food Sovereignty Educational Networking in Puerto Rico -to amplify the narrative of political agroecology education through the documentation of farmer's experiences and the creation of pedagogical content applied with communication strategies.

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Fideicomiso de Tierras Comunitarias para la Agricultura Sostenible (FiTiCAS)
Por los Comunes Agroecológicos - to support the development of a digital campaign focused on the experiences and aspirations of agroecological farmers to promote land commons as a transition to fair, solidarity-based and sustainable agricultural and food systems.

Greenfield, CA
Future Leaders of Change
Youth Against Pesticides - to support a youth-led communications project that will make information about pesticide reform and environmental activism more accessible and elevate more youth voices for change in their community.

Boise, ID
Idaho Organization of Resource Councils
Farmworker Justice and Health Campaign - to support IORC’s Farmworker Justice and Health Campaign, a farmworker-led campaign to educate, safeguard, and advocate for statewide policies addressing issues such as heat exposure, smoke inhalation, and pesticide poisoning among farm workers.

Cuba, AL
Mahalah Farms
YAHIWA: Youth Agriculture Health and Wellness Apprenticeship - to support Mahalah Farms in developing their organizational story and communicating their legacy to the next generation, using the communications strategies and technology that will reach those who need it most.

Regional organization based in Minneapolis, MN
Midwest Farmers of Color Collective
Midwest Farmers of Color Communications Support - to create a communications-focused plan that will lift up the stories and organizing work of MFCC’s BIPOC farming members and shift the narrative of what food and farming looks like in the Midwest. Work will include producing new episodes of the Growing Liberation Podcast, updating the website, and hosting/documenting/amplifying MFCC BIPOC-farmer events.

East Harlem, NYC
Movement for Justice in El Barrio
Healthy Food for Immigrants in El Barrio - to support communications strategies and methodologies for language accessibility, base-building, leadership development and narrative development for the Healthy Food for Immigrants in El Barrio program.

Apalachicola, FL
Near Futures Projects
Protect our Bay - to support an investigative podcast, monthly oyster roasts, and the creation of counternarrative materials to catalyze local opposition to resort-style development and build support for developing a local food ecosystem.

national organization based in Albuquerque, NM
Not Our Farm
Free School for Farm Workers - to support Free School for Farm Workers, a virtual teach-in series by farmworkers, which will continue to strengthen NOF’s work around centering workers on farms through storytelling, community building, and resource sharing.

state-wide organization based in Corvallis, OR
Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network
Honoring Indigenous and Ancestral Soil Health Practices- to support the development of culturally-appropriate communications about soil health practices for OrCAN’s network of farmers and farm service providers that emphasizes the significant historic and current contributions of BIPOC farmers and honors and promotes indigenous and ancestral soil health practices.

Florence, MA
Self-Evident Education
“Get a Mule, Forty Acres Or So”—Black Land Ownership and Black Farming in the United States - to support production work on a three-part series of short documentary films and supporting curriculum that will explore themes of Black land ownership, farming, and economic and political power throughout the histories of systemic racism in the United States.

Selma, AL
Selma Center for Nonviolence, Truth, and Reconciliation
Roots of Resilience: Investing in Selma's Youth for Food Sovereignty and Environmental Justice - to support a project aimed at engaging young people, and the broader community, in food justice advocacy, civic engagement, and environmental stewardship through education, storytelling, and digital media.

New Orleans, LA
Sông Community Development Corp
VEGGI Farmers Cooperative - to support the development of an expanded narrative for the VEGGI Farmers Cooperative, which provides economic opportunity for community farmers, healthy food access for low-income residents, and cultural organizing through preservation of Vietnamese food practices.

Christiansted, VI
Virgin Islands Good Food Coalition
Of Seed & Soil - to prioritize the transformative power of storytelling, storylistening, and reclaiming the dominant narrative to exact change. As islands collectively romanticized and dismissed in the annals of history, this project seeks to amplify the experiences of the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Caribbean neighbors, and prompt recognition of the realities of what it means to promote security, sovereignty, and social justice when one lives within the 17 remaining colonies of the world.

Visalia, CA
Wukchumni Tribe
Wukchumni Farms - to support the development of an integrated communications plan and media initiatives surrounding the Wukchumni Farms, which provide access to fresh and healthy food for tribal elders and families, deepen connections to ancestral Wukchumni Yokuts land, and create an inter-generational learning space that uplifts the cultural lifeways and history of the Wukchumni people.